Hi! My name is Xuehan Chen(陈雪晗),
I am a first-year Ph.D student in Computer Science at Lehigh University CSE department, advised by Prof. Sihong Xie. My research interests include data mining, machine learning,graph neural network, and natural language processing. Prior to LU, I received my MS in Applied Data Science from Syracuse University School of Information Studies.

I love play classical guitar, piano, and painting. I visit museums, to explore stories of science, local people, culture, history. The Mütter Museum is the most impressive one, which helps the public understand the mysteries and beauty of the human body and to appreciate the history of diagnosis and treatment of disease. I'm always curious about medical science since I was a child and see the potential of machine learning to reinvent how healthcare is delivered. I'm happy that my research to discover novel knowledge from data using machine learning would be able to make contributions to the healthcare field and others.
Feel free to know more about me via Github and Linkedin!